由 Ben | 4月 30, 2021 | Front Page, GaNFast Technology, Press Release
DUBLIN, IRELAND —(PRWeb) 纳微半导体宣布:北京时间4月22日晚,联想全新YOGA CC65正式发布。联想中国区消费业务粉丝营销总监宋月竹(Director, Lenovo PRC Consumer Fans Marketing, Ms. Yuezhu Song) ,YOGA CC65产品经理陈龙( Product Manager, Elon Chen) 亲自对新品进行详细介绍。 YOGA CC65支持最高 65W 充电功率,双口同时使用最高支持 45W+18W 的充电功率,支持 PD/QC/PPS...
由 ganadmin | 3月 12, 2021 | Front Page, Short Content
The Verge give us some of the pros and cons of not including a charger. Read...
由 Emma Jenkins | 3月 5, 2021 | CES2021, CES2021, Front Page, Short Content, Short Content
We’re proud to announce that the 100W Omega GaNFast charger from Chargeasap has been chosen as a CES 2021 Innovation Awards Honoree under the Mobile Devices & Accessories category. Measuring only 60 x 55 x 26 mm (86 cc) and only 120 g, the Omega 100W is 30%...